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little hours 1.夜半一二點鐘。2.〔L- Hours〕 (天主教的)...

little joe

The world suffers because it wants to suffer . because we make effort - too many hours spent for the ephemeral things and too little hours spent for the eternal wisdom . that s why we are not wise , that s why we do things with topsy - turvy wisdom , that s why we cannot get away from the circle of birth and death 因為我們想要苦難,所以世界才會有苦難,因為我們耗費太多的時間精力在無常的事情上,只用很少的時間追求永恒的智慧,因此智慧不夠,做事才顛三倒四,才跳不出生死輪回圈。

Stephano dedalo , alumno optimo , palmam ferenti . father conmee , having read his little hours , walked through the hamlet of donnycarney , murmuring vespers 康米神父已誦讀完了九時課,他邊喃喃地作著晚禱,邊穿過唐尼卡尼小村。

Every little hour every second you live 你生活在每小時每秒之中